A Fire Strategy Report is a report that assesses the Fire Safety features in a building, which can be a new build or an already existing building, where different aspects influencing safety are analysed. The main goal of the Fire Strategy is to demonstrate that the occupants can evacuate safely (life safety) in regard to the building design.
Fire Strategy Report normally provides recommendations for the following fire safety features:
- Means of egress (Escape Routes)
- Internal Fire Spread
- External Fire Spread
- Structural Fire Protection
- Compartmentation
- Fire-Fighting Facilities and Access
The content of every Fire Strategy normally consists of (but is not limited to):
- Reference Documents and Design Constraints
- Evacuation
- Evacuation of Occupants with Reduced Mobility
- Occupancy Numbers
- Emergency Lighting and Escape Route Signage
- Escape Route Recommendations
- Travel Distances
- Internal Fire Spread – Linings, Content and Compartmentation
- External Fire Spread
- Access and Facilities for the Fire Service
- Smoke Control
- Fire Detection, Alarm and Suppression
- Structural Resistance
- Fire Doors
- Fire Stopping
- Fire Safety Management
Fire safety is a connecting element for many disciplines. From MEP, interior designers, structural engineers to architects. Therefore, it is crucial for all disciplines to collaborate early in the design to obtain the best possible project solution.
Why is a Fire Strategy needed?
Fire Strategy defines the safety objectives that a building needs to meet. It reduces the life safety risks and assists the design teams in reaching their goals. If a Fire Engineer does not get involved on time in a project, revisiting certain building aspects can have severe financial consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to get an early involvement/advice from the Fire Engineer, in order to get the time and cost-effective end solution, which will not only comply with all required standards but will also be the best possible design option, taking into account functionality of the space and buildability during the construction.
All Fire Strategies act as a record of the design changes and the safety impacts these changes have made. The Fire Engineer assesses the design changes throughout the RIBA stages and advises on the suitability and life safety those changes have to the overall design.